Ginger Terrell

Steve Harvey once said, "If there is no joy when you wake up in the morning; if you dread the sound of the alarm clock going off; if you fee...

Geavanceerde adviseur |

349.00 - 349.00 USD
  • Middenkader
  • Loopbaan Veranderaars
  • Persoonlijke Ontwikkeling & Groei


Steve Harvey once said, "If there is no joy when you wake up in the morning; if you dread the sound of the alarm clock going off; if you feel stagnate; if you have the thought in your head, 'There has got to be more to life than this,' you should stop doing whatever it is you're will become exceptional the moment you make an exceptional decision."

I'd be honored to help you take that first step.


Trained and certified as a Career Direct Consultant;
MBA Leadership;
Master's Theology & Culture


Empowering others toward healthy, equitable connections.

Gegevens Specialiteit

Networking; Connecting; Creative; Training; Mid-career shifts: Retirement passionate work

Contact Informatie

North Carolina
United States